Balcony at Buenos Aires X by Fabian Perez
  • Fabian Perez

  • Title:

    Balcony at Buenos Aires X

  • Inventory#:PE000002
  • Size:30" x 40"
  • Medium:

    Acrylic on canvas

  • Price:$1,400
  • The romantic art of Fabian Perez is a nostalgic reminder of a bygone era. The Argentinean Artist uses a unique style which he calls "Emotionalism", using colors, highlights and shadows to express passionate fee... READ MORE
Fabian Perez

Surrounded by beautiful women growing up that graced his father's illegal nightclubs and brothels, Fabian Perez developed an uncanny eye for beauty. Perez developed an immense admiration and respect for these women. He created a romantic ideal, which was to play a key part in his life and his artwork.

He left his hometown Campana, Argentina at the age of 20 and began to travel the world seeking to develop the artistic talent he'd inherited from his mother. Over the years he has explored many different paths in his search for greater self-expression and artistic truth. 

Fabian Perez paints with his emotions and each painting reflects the brooding thoughts and intense sexuality of a world of whispered conversations in shadowy corridors, of afterhours drinking and dancing, of sex, passion, power and love. Raw emotion and tragedy are projected through his unique style, which he calls ‘Emotionalism’. Using color, highlights and shadows he expresses passionate feelings. 

Fabian Perez is an artist from Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Balcony at Buenos Aires X
Fabian Perez
Acrylic on canvas
30" x 40"
     Edition of 1
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